Nursery TERRA FLORA Ltd. is specialized in the production of deciduous, coniferous, decorative plants, flowers and fruit trees.

Spiraea japonica Little Princess
Spiraea japonica Little Princess is a broad-leaved bush with pink flowers. Prefers moist, well-drained soils and sunny places but is also resistant to cold.

Tamarix is a broad-leaved bush that can reach a height up to 4 meters. Blooms in May with light pink flowers.

Forsythia is a broad-leaved bush that is suitable for hedges or color accents in parks and gardens. Blooms in early spring during the months of March and April with yellow flowers.

Hibiscus is a deciduous decorative bush with deep green leaves and can reach up to 5 meters in height.
Lavender is a low-decorative plant that grows on tufts and blooms with small purple flowers. Because of its aromatic and nectariferous properties it is used for decoration, in medicine and perfumery.
Verbena is a herbaceous perennial flower. Blooms in July-September. It is not pretentious to soil and droughts.
Deutzia is a broad-leaved plant with white flowers that blooms in May. Prefer moderate watering, sunny places and cold-resistant.
Delosperma is a perennial succulent with pink color, which grows relatively fast. Blooms in May-October. Used for a soil cover plant.
Eschscholzia californica
Eschscholzia californica is an annual garden plant. Blooms from June to October with yellow colors in the presence of sun.
Cotoneaster Dammeri
Cotoneaster Dammeri is evergreen small bush. It grows relatively fast. It blooms in April-May with white flowers and its fruits are red.
Robinia Pseudoacacia Umbraculifera
Robinia Pseudoacacia Umbraculifera is a deciduous tree that is with globular shape and does not form flowers. It is often used for landscaping in the cities.

Geranium is a herbaceous perennial flower that is easy to grow. Prefers drained soil, sunny places and is resistant to drought.
Pelargonium peltatum
Pelargonium peltatum is a perennial plant that blooms from April to September. Grows in a sunny or semi-shaded place. Prefer moderate watering and drained soil.

Koelreuteria paniculata
Koelreuteria paniculata is a broad-leaved decorative tree. Its flowering is in June-August with yellow flowers, a nectariferous plant species.

Acer platanoides Globosum
Acer platanoides Globosum is a deciduous tree. Preferred sun spots, well-drained soil and moderate watering.

Paulownia is a high deciduous tree with valuable wood, which is characterized by fast growth.

Acer platanoides
Acer platanoides is a deciduous tree that is used as a decorative tree in gardens and parks. Prefer deep and nutrient-rich soils.

Salix integra hakuro nishiki
Salix integra hakuro nishiki is a deciduous tree with a decorative value that reaches a height of 2-3 meters.

Salix caprea pendula
Salix caprea pendula is a low deciduous tree. Prefer regular watering, sunny and semi-shady places.

Taxus baccata
Taxus baccata is a coniferous evergreen tree that reaches a height of 30 meters. It is used for hedges, can be planted and single.